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Welcome to WATERFIELD Supported Homes

Waterfield Supported Homes offer accommodation and rehabilitation services to men
and women with mental health issues, helping them to reintegrate into the community.

Delivering high quality care services in the community!
10 Dowanhill Road
Catford, London SE6 1HJ
+44 208 697 6969
Sunday - Saturday
24 x 7 (365)


We provide reliable care teams and carefully planned care to our clients' needs.

Get Premium Care From Waterfield Supported Homes

WSH Care

Waterfield Supported Homes (WSH) Ltd provides 24-hour care and support for clients.

WSH Staff

Staff employed have experience of working in acute, rehabilitation, forensic environments, and have worked with psychiatric, learning disability …


Any man or woman between the ages of 18 and 65 (and older if physically manageable in a care home setting) and diagnosed with mental health issues by specialist psychiatric team.


Waterfield Supported Homes Ltd currently offers a seven-bed accommodation based in Catford, located in the South East of London..

About Waterfield Supported Homes





This summary has been prepared to introduce the aims and objectives of services provided by Waterfield Supported Homes (WSH) Ltd. The prospectus seeks to offer information to service users, organisations, agencies and significant others, who are interested in using our services. Working in conjunction with other professionals, we offer residential social care services to people with mental health issues as a step down from inpatient care or after undergoing in-patient treatment and rehabilitation.

We also offer residential supported living services to individuals with learning disability and mental health issues who wish to be supported to be as independent as possible. Services will be provided by a team of trained nurses, support workers and other mental health professionals, in collaboration with the local community mental health team (CMHT), and the Primary Care Trust services.

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  • Staff Compliment
    The total number of staff we have is nineteen (full/part time)
  • Staff Qualifications
    Three registered nurses (2RMN and 1RGN), one deputy manager and 12 NVQ Level 2 and 3 Social Care Support Worker
  • Staff Experience
    Staff employed have experience of working in acute, rehabilitation, forensic environments, and have worked with psychiatric, learning disability and older adults patients.
  • Staff training
    All members of staff receive induction on employment. Regular training is organised by senior staff (in-house); Training and Clinical consultants. Staff supervision is held at least six times a year.
  • Staffing
    Waterfield Supported Homes (WSH) Ltd provides 24-hour care and support for clients.

Waterfield Supported Homes Ltd was founded in 2003 and registered in 2004 to meet the existing gap within the parameters of Social Care facilities for people with enduring mental health issues. This is in line with the Community Care Act 1990, which advocates the reintegration of individuals into the community. We aim to make available to the service users, patterns and conditions of everyday lives, which are as realistically as close as possible to the norms of and patterns of mainstream society.


Waterfield Supported Homes Ltd aims to promote an all-embracing holistic approach, non-discriminating and non-stigmatising attitude to the management of individuals with learning disabilities, mental health issues (including Dementia), who are discharged from psychiatric hospitals, specialist or from medium secure hospital (Units) and on this basis, provide a quality residential and aftercare services.


Waterfield Supported Homes’ principle is based on encouraging individuals to realise their own and collective potentials. We achieve this by, READ MORE

Waterfield Supported Homes Limited strives to provide consistent high standards of care always. To do this, we try hard to:

  • Listen to and understand our clients’ needs
  • Promote the best care values
  • Train and motivate our staff

The referring authority will provide a named care coordinator (social worker or psychiatric community nurse) who will maintain regular contact with our client and the WSH key worker/ team. Our team will and will provide nursing report and be represented at every Care Programme Approach (CPA) review or Case conference as required by the Multidisciplinary Disciplinary team (MDT).

WSH houses are our client’s homes, and they are encouraged to bring their own items of furniture, television, video, stereo, room decorations (provided the items pass a risk assessment and the electrical items, a certified inspection by our electrical engineer). All valuables must be declared, and safekeeping can be arranged if required (for insurance purposes).

The home is not a secure hospital unit, and WSH cannot be held responsible for clients who leave the home without planning and obtaining the agreement of a member of staff. Clients are expected to plan their journeys with staff on duty and receive appropriate one to one support. Referring officers are required to provide details of clients’ next of kin including contacts in the case of any emergency. The home operates a locked door policy depending on when clients deemed to require additional safety precautions are placed (e g. residents managed on Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards DoLS). Such clients are escorted by staff and other residents can leave the home as they require.

These are arranged for the enjoyment and quality of life of those in our care with the intention of reflecting their interests, wishes and capabilities. At least once a year, we meet to discuss with those in our care, staff, friends, relatives etc. any social activities they would like to have arranged (e.g. CPA reviews).  We keep a record of these meetings to confirm who was there, what was agreed etc.  This, of course, does not prohibit suggestions at any time which we thoroughly welcome.READ MORE

Most discharges will take place upon completion of their rehabilitation programme and will be through the graduation process determined by MDT. In some cases, premature discharge will be required, specifically to cases related to breach of rules or expectations. In all cases of minor breach of rules and expectations, each case will be decided on an individual basis and appropriate steps taken to inform the Care Manager / Service Purchaser.  READ MORE

Anyone in our care will have had, at some time at least, hobbies and interests.  We consider it a responsibility of ours to help them maintain/redevelop those interests wherever possible and, if circumstances arise, to explore new hobbies and interests. Just because someone is “in care” does not mean they have lost the interest or necessarily the ability to partake in hobbies and interests.  In fact, it may be highly beneficial for them to pursue such things as would be suitable. READ MORE

Those in our care are encouraged to manage their own affairs, make their own decisions and we must be careful not to “disenfranchise” them from doing so. On this basis they are self-advocating. However, a person may be or become unable to exercise their rights to their best interests and a person or persons may be appointed to speak for them in their best interests.  READ MORE


Every effort will be made to support our clients in meeting their religious obligations. They will be encouraged to attend the local church or mosque depending on their spiritual needs and choice. Arrangements for local Pastor/Priests or Rabbis may also be made to visit clients as they may require.

The independent regulator of health and social care in England

CQC logo
Waterfield Supported Homes Limited
CQC overall rating
Requires improvement

Our clients will always be consulted in all aspects of their care. These include their involvement in planning their care, various activities, holidays, recreation, and will be decided in group meetings.

Upon admission, risk assessment is carried out and reviewed with the MDT. Each client is informed of our express intention to protect them and their neighbours from stress, drug and alcohol abuse and to protect their rights within this environment. However, in the event of any crisis, we intend to implement individualised crisis and contingency plan as agreed in their CPA document. This will include implementing section 25 of the Mental Health Act 1983.

Operating Hours and Contacting Us

We can be contacted during our office hours between 09.00 and 17.00hrs

10 Dowanhill Road, London SE6 1HJ

Telephone: +44 208 697 6969

23 Broadfield Road,

Telephone: +44 208 333 8234

55 Broadfield Road

Telephone: +44 203 592 9062

Mobile Telephone:  +44 796 924 9701 / +44 795 634 8484 (Out of hour’s number)

Fax: +44 208 697 6969.

E-MAIL addresses: or


Our Features



Waterfield Supported Homes (WSH) Ltd provides 24-hour care and support for clients.


Any individual between the ages of 18 and 65 or older, depending on physical Health


Waterfield Supported Homes offers three homes currently in the London Borough of Lewisham.

Mental Health

Services include medical care which require a GP’s visits as well as personal services.


Any man or woman between the ages of 18 and 65 and older (including over 65s), diagnosed with mental health issues (including Dementia) is deemed eligible to apply for placement. The individual must have undergone the process of treatment and rehabilitation and is deemed ready for reintegration into the community as informal individuals (or with guardianship order). READ MORE

Equal opportunities statement

Waterfield Supported Homes Ltd is committed to the principles and practice of equality of opportunity for all. Waterfield Supported Homes Ltd is committed to the elimination of unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, colour, disability, ethnic and national origin, nationality, sexual orientation, marital status, responsibility for dependants’ political or religious belief, trade union activity, ageism, unrelated criminal conviction or HIV and AIDS status. READ MORE





WSH Ltd offers three homes currently in the London Borough of Lewisham. All three homes are based in Catford, located in the South East of London. All homes are based in the town centre, within mins (2-3mins) walk of each other, very close to most local amenities (post office, GP, chemist, library, church, shops, leisure centre etc.), and have easy access to neighbouring towns through buses and train stations. READ MORE

Quality Management

WSH Ltd always seeks to provide an assured quality approach, which is determined by clients’ needs with good business practice. We have comprehensive policies and procedures, quality standards and staff manuals, ensuring consistency and quality.  READ MORE 

Contact Us

Click HERE to send us a message

10 Dowanhill Road, Catford SE6 1HJ – +44 208 697 6969

23 Broadfield Road, Catford SE6 1ND – +44-20 8333 8234

55 Broadfield Road, Catford SE6 1NJ  – +44-20 3592 9062